Because of these code changes in the kernel, though, the present version of "Karabiner" is not anymore working. A workaround had been the open source application "Karabiner," a key remapping script, clearly the best of all such scripts for the Mac. Of course, for Koreanists what counts is MS Word and possibly Outlook, and there it does not work, had not been fixed under OS X El Capitan and has not been fixed for Sierra either. their word processor "Pages") the input works fine, and even in some of Microsoft's 2016 Office programs, such as Excel, it works. The short version of the story is as above. likely due to more code written by Swift (their programming language and tool).
Rather, the problem comes in because several major software companies have not updated their code yet - and, as begun in the earlier El Capitan OS, Apple has now further changed major pieces of code in Sierra's 'kernel' (same applies to iOS 10). The issue is in fact not that Apple now dropped that functionality all together. My first take on this, on where to locate the problem of inputting hanja under macOS "Sierra" (10.12), as posted end of August on the KoreanStudies Internet Discussion List, was partially off. Here a SUMMARY about the issue regarding hanja 漢字 input under macOS "Sierra" This issues is fixed - see LAST entry here.